08:30-9:00 breakfast
09:00-09:15 CAMLIS 2018 Welcome and Introduction
09:15-10:00 Keynote - Alexander Kott, Chief Scientist, Army Research Laboratory
Alexander Kott, “Bonware to the Rescue: the Future Autonomous Cyber Defense Agents”
10:00-10:15 coffee
10:15-11:45 Session 1
1. Jay Yang, “Anticipatory Cyber Defense via Predictive Analytics, Machines Learning and Simulation”
2. Bayan Bruss, “Worm2Vec: Embedding Malicious Code for Efficient Clustering & Classification”
3. Rebecca Bilbro, “Inferring Model Families from Deployed Black Boxes”
11:45-13:00 lunch
13:00-14:30 Session 2
1. Kyle Gwinnup, “Serverless Data Processing Architecture for Binary Analysis”
2. Ryan Kovar, “Datasets for the Everyman”
3. Brian Genz, “Labeling Red: Harvesting Labeled Data from Adversary Simulations”
14:30-15:00 coffee
15:00-17:00 Session 3
1. Scott Coull, “Activation Analysis of a Byte-based Deep Neural Network for Malware Classification”
2. Hyrum Anderson, “A feature presentation: semi-supervised learning of file representations”
3. David Krisiloff, “Measure Twice, Quarantine Once: A Tale of Malware Labeling over Time”
17:00-18:30 CAMLIS 2018 happy hour