Nick Gregory



Harini Kannan


Using Undocumented Hardware Performance Counters to Detect Spectre-Style Attacks (pdf)

In recent years, exploits like Spectre, Meltdown, Rowhammer, and Return Oriented Programming (ROP) have been detected using Hardware Performance Counters. But to date, only relatively simple and well-understood counters have been used, representing just a tiny fraction of the information we can glean from the system. What's worse, using only well-known counters as detectors for these attacks has a huge disadvantage - an attacker can easily bypass known counter-based detection techniques with minimal changes to existing sample exploit code. Uncovering the treasure trove of overlooked and undocumented counters is necessary if we are to both build defenses against these attacks and anticipate how an adversary could bypass our defenses.

In this paper, we’ll first introduce our version of Spectre variant 4 with evasive changes that can bypass any detections using conventional cache miss, branch miss, and branch misprediction counters. We’ll then show how our model using select undocumented counters is able to detect this new edited variant, and how it is also able to detect a novel Spectre implementation submitted to Virus Total.